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There are circumstances that are worth everything. For me, my children are worth it for every possible struggle in between when I think of maximizing their abilities so they can achieve the highest level of autonomy and independence. For that, I have learned that I cannot erase the challenges around but instead, I have the power to strengthen myself in order to face those challenges and transform them when possible, or just learn from them even though I am not always able to change them.

There is no easy or perfect life but lives with purpose. In my opinion, in order to grow up, there is only one recipe, you have to let go of the negative to learn to embrace the positive. For better or for worse we all face vicious cycles of negativity at the personal level as a result of our insecurities or affected by a third party that many times have a protagonistic role feeding up those securities. Without realizing it, we minimize ourselves and enslave ourselves in attitudes that are negative but have become part of the routine of surviving every single day. Regardless of whether your challenges seem bigger or smaller compared to others, letting go of the negative to embrace the positive is the only way to move on to the path of happiness.

I am aware perfection is not a possibility but I do believe strongly in maximization. I believe that challenges are there for a reason and without a doubt, they can be perceived as opportunities as they help us to see the positive even in the darkest times. As I have this clear, I know as well that some other challenges or life struggles are simply not worth it. There are people that are not worth my love and I have to let them go. It’s not my job to change them or heal them so they fit into my life. They have their own path and I wish them the very best.

Life is such an amazing experience and these lessons learned have come along the years. Once, this necessity of changing the external to feel better internally was an anchor in my path of feeling complete and happy but learning to let go of the negative to embrace the positive is a commitment that I have surrender to. It must be done consciously and consistently, just because in our human imperfection it’s extremely easy to forget and go back to old destructive habits. We must let go of the things that weaken us spiritually to open our hearts to the positive and good things we deserve.

To me, this is just logical and magical but unless you are ready for it, you will probably find it funny or absurd. To me, that’s another constant reminder of the need to let go of control and remain faithful to the things that are good to me and may not be the same for others.

Nothing in life happens easily. All achievements are the result of a process of dedication, commitment, and passion. It applies to everything and to receive the good you have to have worked for it and be ready to receive it. If you want to get something for yourself or help someone you love to do it, you have to be willing to accept the process with love and you have to learn to celebrate each step that is not always going to be easy. And to stay focused and in tune with your mission, you have to let go of the negative to embrace the positive.

I invite you to look around and identify the things or people that tie you down or make you feel bad about yourself. I invite you to aspire to live a life surrounded by people who love you, celebrate you, and treat you with love and respect. A life that will not always be full of rainbows and smiles but that will give you emotional stability and peace of mind by knowing that you are not alone and that your tribe is the people you deserve. Those who love you in your weaknesses and in your strengths. The ones that lift you up when you fall and look at you with love and have faith in your abilities. May love reign in your heart because miracles are manifestations of your commitment to love while you embrace positiveness.

Eliana Tardío

About Eliana Tardío

Eliana Tardío es la mamá de Emir y Ayelén; ambos con síndrome de Down. Reconocida por su trabajo promoviendo la inclusión natural de las personas por su individualidad, Eliana ha sida reconocida por celebridades como Araceli Arámbula, Thalia, María Celeste Arrarás, Karen Martínez, y más. Su historia ha sido compartida por las cadenas mundiales más importantes: Univisión, Telemundo, CNN, y Azteca América. Nombrada Bloguera Latina Inspiración 2014 en USA, en este espacio Eliana comparte sus vivencias y recursos con más de 200.000 visitantes al mes.

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